From the prestigious Stevens boat builders in Holland, this steel motor cruiser offers a solid build and spacious accommodation for extended trips. The twin engines enable safe coastal cruising and its low air draft allows access to inland waterways.
Builder –Scheepswerf De Stevens BV, Holland
Construction – Steel
Hull Form – Displacement
Navigation Equipment
Lower Helm
Upper Helm
Mechanical / Electrical Equipment
Deck Fittings
The interior has teak joinery, carpets throughout and curtains. The two private cabins are at the bow and stern and the main living space is open plan, giving a good sense of space.
Forward Cabin
Galley (port side)
Dinette (starboard side)
Up a few steps into the
Helmstation (Portside)
Moving aft down a few steps
Master Aft Cabin
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With a long history in boat sales we are able to offer a wealth of experience, expert knowledge and a very comprehensive brokerage package with competitive rates.
We are an appointed introducer for companies who provide a competitive quotation tailored to suit individual needs.
If considering finance there are a variety of options available to help purchase different types of motor cruisers.